The Pan Automation System is an innovative system to optimize the pan process. Pan plus automation system handles the whole strike from evacuation to discharge fully automatic, leaving no space for any operational flaw due to any human error. The system keeps the crystallization process stable throughout the strike to minimize false grain formation. It prevents unrequired water used for washing the false grain which in return prevents all the negative cascade effects at the pan station. With increasing cane price and comparably decreasing sugar price, sugar manufacturing companies are in continuous pressure to optimize the sugar production cost. With up to 60% of the steam consumption, the sugar house is the natural selection when working into the possible optimization. Automation of the pan station plays a vital role in the optimization of the pan house. In most of the sugar factories, the crystallization process still has no or inadequate automation. This causes a lot of inefficiencies in the crystallization process. One of the major drawbacks of the manual or semi automatic pan automation is false grain formation, which has negative cascading effects like additional water/steam requirement, longer strike, additional vapours to condensate, additional power, etc. Water addition to the pans can cause 2-20% more exhaust steam requirement. Additionally, more man power is required.
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