- Mixed Juice (< 22000 IU) - Mixed Juice color is the most important Input Value. The value of mixed juice is the base for color balance and color auditing.
- Clear Juice (< 14000 IU) – control the Sulphited juice PH and temperature due to close monitoring the color and transmittancy value of clear juice As a result the lime & Sulphur consumption are optimised.
- Unsulphured Syrup (< 16000 IU) – The color value of material in & out of evaporator helps to maintain minimum retention times and caramelisation formation.
- Syrup (< 14000 IU) - control the Sulphited syrup PH and color value sulphur consumptions are optimised.
- B-Sugar (< 2000 IU) - For 3 massecuite boiling scheme, B-sugar color value is also most important for A- massecuite color and recirculation of non-sugar.
- CAW-Sugar (< 4000 IU) - For 3 massecuite boiling scheme, CAW-sugar color value is also most important for A- massecuite color and recirculation of non-sugar.
- A-light Molasses (< 6000 IU) - The color IU useful wither AL-molasses used for A- massecuite boiling or not.
- A-Massecuite (< 10000 IU) - The color analysis of A- massecuite helped us to maintaining good color value of Am/c by permutation & combination of feeding material purity. Recirculation of non-sugar was reduced in crystallization.
The concept of color balance study is to identify the color forming stations and to evaluate efficiency of color removing process.
- Cane
- Harvesting Peak Maturity cane.
- Remove top 2-3 inter node during harvesting and proper dressing of cane.
- Max removal of binding material (Extraneous materials < 1%).
- Mills
- Temperature of Imbibitions water 70 deg C to 75 deg C & Imbibitions % cane- 42 to 45
- Bagacillo content < 2gm/liter dry basis on juice, Use rotary screen 0.3 to 0.35 mm Diameter.
- Juice and water Temperature
- Raw Juice 68-70 deg C.
- Sulphur Juice 102-103 deg C.
- RVF cake wash water temp. 70-75 deg C.
- Juice clarification & Evaporation System
- Filtrate Juice % cane maintain <15 %
- Shock liming PH- 9.5 to 10, Duration < 8 second.
- Juice sulphitor retention time < 8 minute & PH-7.0 to 7.10
- Cao% in lime above 82% & MOL Baume 5 to 6 deg.
- Color precipitant or Phosphoric acid use -10 ppm.
- Bagacillo in clear juice should almost nil & Turbidity < 2.0 to 2.50 NTU.
- Exhaust Temp-122-125 deg C.
- Heating surface should be optimum.
- Syrup sulphitor retention time < 15 minute & PH-5.0 to 5.10
- Pan Boiling
- A-massecuite Pan vacuum 630-650 mm of Hg & Temp. 60 to 62 deg C. Used Dry-seed for footing purpose.
- Pan Dropping time < 2 and 1/2 hours after cutting.
- Movement water < 1% on massecuite.
- No false grain and twin’s crystal sugar produced.
- For sugar melter use only hot water.
- Centrifugal
- ACF Machine - Avoid massecuite and Molasses leakages through pug mill gate.
- Syrup separation of AH and AL-molasses properly done.
- Heavy and light molasses delay to adjust on trial and error method.
- Wash water nozzle angle-120 deg to cover total surface area of basket.
- SHWW temperature should be 110 to 115 deg C & pressure 5 to 6 Kg/cm2.
- Proper alignment of scrapper.
- Clean bottom side of centrifugal machine carefully in every shift.
- Sugar Packaging
- Sugar bagging temperature < 40 deg C.
- Sugar SO2 contain <15 ppm
- Sugar moisture < 0.1%